Lilly Scholar

A Lilly Endowment Community Scholar (LECS) is an individual recognized by his or her community as having the potential to impact the community in years to come.

A Lilly Scholar Alum is a Lilly Scholar who has completed his/her undergraduate education.

High school seniors are considered for this scholarship which provides four years of full tuition to any Indiana public or private institution of higher education along with a material support stipend. The intention of the program is to increase educational attainment among Indiana citizens, encourage community involvement, and support individual and group efforts “to engage with … Indiana business, governmental, educational, nonprofit, and civic leaders to improve the quality of life in Indiana generally and in local communities throughout the state.”

More Information:

  • The Lilly Scholar Network (LSN) is the formal organization of Scholars and Scholar Alums
  • Local program administration for current and prospective Scholars is provided by the local community foundation
  • Statewide administration and support for community foundations, LSN*, and individual Scholars and their educational institutions is provided by Independent Colleges of Indiana
  • Lilly Endowment, Inc., the philanthropic arm of Eli Lilly and Company pharmaceuticals and decedents of Eli Lilly provide the financial support for the LECS Program and LSN.
  • *LSN also receives coordinating administrative support from Indiana Humanities (formerly the Indiana Humanities Council)

Quote taken from Independent Colleges website